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मगरहरुको परम्परा र संस्कृति माघेसंक्रान्तिको एक झलक !

Rolpa's documentary on Maghe Sankranti

Magar is one of the ancient indigenous tribes of Nepal. This community represents the real identity of Nepal. This hard working community made the rocky and the forestry area of Mahabharat range and the Siwalik hill fertile and cultivable. The Magar are an ancient tribe.
The present civilization and the culture of the Magar tribe is a major pillar foundation of Nepalese culture and civilization. Magar culture believes in labor and hard work. The culture of the Magar community practices collectivity and cooperation among families and villages.
"Magarat" is the name of the land that the Magar people consider their own. It is a Magar land. The Magar people, who have settled all over the country, share a common language know as "Kham bhasha", as well as common cultural practices. The Magar community has its own unique identity. The Magar worship nature.
The federal government has recognized the Magar "Maghe Sankranti" as the biggest festival of this nationality. Other main festivals are Bhoome Pooja (Land worshipping), Chandi Poornima (Chandi fullmoon), Baishakhe Poornima (Baishakh fullmoon),Mangsir Poornima (Mangsir full moon), Jestha Poornima (Jestha full moon) are the other main festivals. In these full moon days, they worship 12-brothers (Bahrabhai). These forms of worshipping are the different forms of the same nature worshipping. These are the practice and lifestyle of the Magar Community.
The "Maghesankranti" is one of the most popular festivals. This festival relates to the production and the economic life of Magar Community. It covers the main aspects of production, economic life and the cultural life. People enjoy these festivals.
The Maghesankranti is celebrated in a week during the month of Magh. During this festival, the Magar celebrate with archery. They dig out yam and distribute it by making different delicious items. They worship and respect women and feed them delicious food "nirso" (prepared from rice, dhal, salt and fat).
The celebration of archery in the festival goes back to the hunter gatherer age. Furthermore, archery shows that the Magar community is a warrior community. The history of the human being is the history of war. It is the history of war physically and psychologically.
The council of ministers has declared, "Maghe Sankranti" as a national festival of the Magar. After the declaration of the Federal Democratic Republic and just before the writing of new constitution, the decision about the festival has been publicized in the course of establishing and institutionalizing federalism. After the election of CA, Nepal has actually become the garden of the different flowers. The Government has started to respect and establish the festivals of different tribes and indigenous communities equally.
The Federal Nepal respects the culture of the different indigenous tribes. The festivals and the identities of the different castes and nationalities are now recognized.
Grand Maghi festival, Unity & Celebration
Magar community has celebrated its national festival "Maghe Sankranti" on 1st of the 11 month BS. Calender.